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catherine phyllis logo cursive pink neon glitch vaporwave style

Art, although cliche to say, has always been a constant within my life. During high school, I engaged with a number of artistic disciplines including drawing, printmaking, photography, digital art and painting. During this time, I discovered the Pop Art movement and fell in love. 


further development of my artistic practice occurred throughout my time in art school at the Adelaide College of the arts. Though i had very little experience with the medium, painting became almost second nature to me. It was during this time that i discovered the vaporwave art movement. The movement's appeal to me was unmeasured and was heavily inspirational. It was at this time that i learned to connect my love of digital art and painting.


My current series of work, entitled Classical.exe
Has Stopped Working
, combines classical
sculpture with digital media in painted
form. The work aims to create an illusion wherein
classical sculpture and digital media are
painted realistically on canvas. These elements are painted right on the edge of realism so that viewers of the works will see evidence of their painted nature when approaching the works closely. The use of these elements also combine to create work that addresses how we might use
older forms of art and recontextualise
them, creating something new, magical
and, well, pink.


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